Saturday, July 18, 2009


Everybody in the world feels for certain incidents that had happened in his or her life in the past and just keeps on pondering that if I had done this thing the other way then today I wouldn’t have been in such a situation. Well, I too harbour such an incident which makes me feel that only a split second of chance could have put me in a better physical position than what I am today or could have put me in a far worse condition than I could have ever imagined. To stop beating about the bush I come to the point that even today I vividly recall the day when I fractured my left arm; and just like any other individual I ponder that just a split second of chance wouldn’t have made me endure that ordeal for two months to follow on or could have made my life even more miserable than that my nightmares are capable of imagining.
The day was 14th of January,1999 only three days after our school reopened from the winter vacations. It was a very normal day like other days, we had two periods in the morning and the 3rd period was Computer Science. I was always excited about computer practicals, and to my luck our computer teacher announced that the new year's 1st practical classes would commence with the Group B. Suddenly I found myself arranging my pens and books, but I was a bit late in drinking water and didn’t want to miss the opportunity to sit with my best friend then- Rajat Hawelia who had already proceeded for the practicals. I came running out of the class in to the corridor which had a granite floor, in a hurry I accidentally slipped and my forehead banged with the glass pane of the Biology Laboratory just on the other side of the corridor. I fell down with left arm first on the floor in a precariously twisted condition. I did not feel any pain then, except for a sudden chill that went up from my forehand towards the shoulder, I rolled up the sleeves of my blazer to discover that my left forehand was bent downwards like and inverted bow. The chill gave way to a gripping pain to my shoulder and my astonishment to trepidation that I might have fractured my arm. I immediately alerted my teacher in class who took me to the Vice-Principal’s office and from there our P.E/Geography teacher Miss Roma Pal took me to our hospital- AG Church Hospital. There a doctor inspected me and asked me if I could straighten my arm and clasp my fingers inside, neither of which I was able to and there was a terrible pain. The school officials called my parents and they discharged me with a first-aid, a sling and a tight bandage along with an X-ray print showing the gravity of the fracture. I had fractured the Radius bone( the bone on the side of the thumb) of my left arm.
Then started a hectic two months ahead, I was initially made to undergo a minor setting of my bones without the application of scalpels in CMRI (alias Calcutta Hospital) to which the orthopedist was very skeptical and he did not misconstrue his thoughts. The result, after one month of plaster the bones barely came close to each other, the consequences being yet another visit to the operation theatre and this time the surgery demanded a vigorous use of scalpels. The doctors said that my bones were so thin that they had to revert to steel plates instead of a steel rod in which case the surgery would have been less painstaking for the patient. They put a steel plate with five bolts in order to get the fractured bones in one plane, and followed it up with 34 stitches(17 on either side of the cut). After one week they decided to cut my stitches and discharge me from the hospital, I gasped when for the only time in my life I saw what stitches looked like.
After that it took me 3 more weeks to be able to bend my elbow, but even till today I am unable to twist my wrist. Also my stitch marks looks awful like a centipede walking on the forearm and hence I always prefer wearing full sleeve shirts. Even today, every moment of that dreaded day is etched on my mind, if I was unlucky I could have easily banged on to glass pane and caused some lethal head injuries, and had I been luckier I wouldn’t have had that fracture. Whenever I meet Miss Roma Pal she talks about that incident. Before I left home for my job, I consulted my orthopedist enquiring that if it would be required to unscrew the plate from the bones as it had already been nine years, to which he said that as long as it doesn’t trouble me I should not bother it, and hence even after 10 long years I still have the plates intact. Today I only have an occasional pain(twice or thrice a year), a minor loss of strength, stitch marks and a bend along the length of the arm there is no other change that requires any medical attention.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


My days at school weren’t very eventful. I always considered myself to be a talented student; a student worth getting 90% in the I.C.S.E (The benchmark for meritorious students). But things did not fan out as I had then planned – I ended up with 84% though I did get an average of 90 in the three Science subjects. Then began the toughest days of my life that I’ve ever experienced. The following two years were very very stressful for me, I couldn’t cope up with what was taught at school (one reason was the partiality imparted by our Physics teacher to who joined his coaching classes and the pressure to who didn’t) and neither at tuitions which I had joined following my batch mates dreams of getting into the coveted IITs, result was that I had to go back to the basics and leave the dream of becoming an engineer. I failed in Physics while I got promoted to class XII (not even imagined in my worst nightmares) while in XII though I passed in Physics overall but that was due to a decent score in one of the terminal exams the rest I flunked or rather made to flunk. I was suffering from depression but I prayed to God and did what was in my hands- to study hard and with all dedication; during those two years I never gave up, I failed over an over again but every time it made my ambitions stronger. Finally the day came- results of I.S.C exams. I was expecting a 70%-75% so that I am eligible for purchasing forms from various colleges as I wanted to pursue a career in Chemistry( I was good at it). The results were good especially for someone who barely used to pass in class---84% again, anyways 80+ in our days was considered good and guess what I got, 88 in Physics. Though I got 86 in Chemistry and 83 in Maths I couldn’t manage a seat in Chemistry in St.Xaviers College but nevertheless I did get a seat in Physics. Then out of nowhere I got through in WBJEE and elders suggested to go on with engineering though I was averse to it but later relented counting my options. I joined Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology in Civil Engg. (my rank was low and I had no other option in that college and IT was a strict no no).
Then came the 4 years of my life which I can never forget, it was like a dream come true- it was like, I was in paradise. I still can vividly recall my college days. I soon became friends with a guy named Shamik Biswas- short, dark and a shade overweight. We started sharing the same bench and in front of us sat two more scholars(Sayandeep Dasgupta & Archisman Bhattacharya) and both were pretty tall and both of them got soon familiar among the girls of our class . In no time we four became very close friends, so close were we that for the first ever time I visited their home and they mine. Wherever we went, we went together. For the first time I went to see films with them, for the first time I began to gossip with them after college, go to restaurants, roam about in Gariahat, go to amusement parks. Our bonding was beyond description. We used to tell that if all of us get a job during campusing then it meant the college has got a 100% track for that year.
Four of us actually complemented each other and completed what friendship actually meant. Shamik was the care free guy always looking for the thinnest books for studying and referring to note books in case the book for a subject was too fat. Also he used to study the notes though a paltry number of pages for two days and he used to feel proud about it. But he was good player especially a good batsman. Both of us used to compete for the worst handwriting among the four of us, but I still could read mine which at times he was unable to read his. Now, Sayandeep was a more realistic guy, a good student especially when it came to mugging up something and retaining it for the rest of his life. He had a peculiar way of studying- writing with different colours, filling the reference books with very notes that were already in the respective page which were already underlined by him that too with different colours; and whatever he wrote was circular in shape—a mixture of Tamil & Oriya. He too was a good sportsman – a good cricketer and represented our football team as the main striker; riding on his shoulders we became the runners up in our final year. Almost forgot , he was great singer as well , he used to spellbound our class with his songs, very good at mimicking Sonu Nigam & Udit Narayan. He was a gifted singer though he repented that if trained he could have scaled greater heights. Towards the end he learned to play keyboard and eventually he became a good keyboardist as well as also a lyricist, also a part time performer in one of college bands- KRONOS. Archisman was the perfectionist, he was very famous among the girls . He had a wonderful handwriting , could write beautiful poems,could play the sitar(a certified Sitarist with distinction) was good at recitation and on stage performances , not to mention that I am still yet to see his on stage rape which he hid very well from me and Shamik. Being a perfectionist he always began solving problems beginning with the toughest and always studied almost 100% of our syllabus and revising more than once before the exam day which really made me feel that I was lagging behind. Finally, me…… but I've already written a few things about myself, the rest I will unfold in the near future.
Now we came to the third year and campusing was on the prowl . Our first company was Cognizant Technology Solutions and by God’s sheer grace three of us – Sayandeep,Myself and Shamik got selected , which did make us happy that three of the best college pals will join the same company but at the same time we felt for Archisman. But he was not to be left behind ; he bagged the following two companies- Wipro and Infosys and he preferred the latter. So we were already basking in our glory along with the other students as the campusing in our year was more than 100%. For the next few months we were in Seventh Heaven, but then things started becoming tough and then worse--- recession wasgradually setting in in US . We were hearing news of lay-offs in the US and cut in benefits in India. It was then for the first ever time I felt insecure and started thinking for alternatives. As the crisis in India was yet to set in I thought that I should look for other jobs but my mind was still glued to Cognizant. I followed it up with three more jobs in Jindal Steel Power Ltd., L&T Ltd and Reliance. But the three of my friends were unmoved they were still happy with whatever they got. The one mistake I made was that I did not force Sayandeep to sit for L&T which came to our campus, for which I deeply regret today and will for the rest of my life, because had he taken the test there was no doubt that he could have got easily selected and both of us would have been together.The rest had more than jobs- Shamik Cognizant & L&T, Archisman-Wipro, Infosys & L&T, myself - RIL, JSPL, Cognizant & L&T. It was then things started looking bleak -all the IT companies postponed their joining and I did not want to take any more risks having already let go JSPL offer for Cognizant and joined L&T at Maithon site during Aug’08 and was the first one to get separated, followed Archisman in Infosys at Mysore during Feb’09 , Shamik in Cognizant at Pune during Jun’09 and lastly Sayandeep hopefully Cognizant in Dec’09 . The hardest hit was Sayandeep and he is definitely grief stricken and thus he is who is my concern. We hoped to join at the same the time and may be at the same place but God had other plans. Today Sayandeep is studying for MBA entrance exams and I hope he make it to the place where none of us made it because I feel from the bottom of my heart that to Every Cloud There Is Always A Silver Lining and that silver lining could well be Sayandeep making it to one of the better MBA institute next year which is actually a dream we four shared at one time, but now the scenario is such that he is the deserving candidate to make it to the top not because he is having bad time but because he is the most helpful and caring guy around and of course he is talented riding on which he should make it to a good MBA insti. But its not going to happen in the near future for the remaining three of us given the situation that we need to settle down where we are make a mark and then make a fresh beginning. This my friend is my short story of how UNITED WE STOOD BUT NOW HOW DIVIDED WE HAVE FALLEN. I still long for those long lost days and my very existence now rest on my remembrance of those beautiful days because today we have entered a cruel world and in due course of time we will get battered and eventually evolve into one of the many animals existing , the only point to look forward is that how gruesome an animal we evolve into.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Today was a day when things were perfectly mayhem for me. I had initially planned for a cool day with some Client Invoicing Look Ahead and preparing a file showing what cost and sales we are incurring for some of our items and then I would be literally free for the rest of the day and so continue reading Dan Brown's Angels & Demons. But as the saying goes " MAN PROPOSES AND GOD DISPOSES" ; the same thing happened. It began with a call from the client and I was asked to meet after lunch and as the food gyrated through my intestines so did my luck gyrate around me and grabbed with a python's hold. Next up was a call from the Big Boss - our over all boss at site. He told me to go immediately and meet the client's HOD and clarify something for which he was called even though he was in Calcutta--- a perfect example to set that I am so incapable that the Big B had to be called for when the person calling knew that he was out of reach. So it happened -- a gruelsome debate, blaming and counter blaming by the clients side over arrogant accountant and our own heavy weight senoir person who accompanied me. But actually the fault was mine - a bloody misprinting from my end put things in such dire conditions . But the over arrogant chap was not only blamming us for henious crime which we never commit in our history he was blaming the HODs saubordinates as well as they are not accountable for anything. It is at that time i felt the support for me coming from all ends- firstly my senior collegue banged that guy for putting our name to shame and then it was the HOD who bnaged him by saying that it was obvious to make mistakes when the mistakes are minutesimal and he could bring out the accountant's mistakes in scores and also he warned him not to make a simple issue so sensational. I was then let off with a warning and my senior was asked to verify my works by somebody individually. So I had to take some brunt for mistakes I committed for my carelessness and then rectified my mistakes as advised.
The day did not end there; it had more TREASURES to unfold. As my boss called from Calcutta to give him some datas things started to unfold how my day or rather the night was going to be. Having found out I am missing some very important documents I had a began a wild search for it and had planned to continued the search till eternity till I found out that now nothing could be done atleast till the new week begins. But then my boss (more of a friend and a guide) advised me to cool down and things would fall back in place when he would come back . so with nothing to do I had to take that advice
But the bottomline is that I had learned a very important lesson in life – to be organized and keep track of things. I learnt this the hard way. It was a melancholy day for me because at the end of the day I got the news that I did not make to the 2nd round of an intra company exam, I felt more so bad because I was rather hoping to clear the round after having been only one from my region to clear the 1st round. Had I cleared the round the interview would have been a cake walk for me and then my promotions would be quicker, a heftier package, and more importantly a I would have soon become a person from the management of the company ….. but I consoled my self by thinking that God must have better plans for me in store for me. For now its just nothing but I am crying over spilt milk….. I blew my opportunity to a wonderful career ahead…..I just hope that it be a learning curve for me and may this failure become a step towards success only that of late I am having to many failures

Friday, May 01, 2009


The above title is actually book exclusive of the Indian subcontinent written by Jeffery Archer. The book tells us about the life of a person named George Leigh Mallory, debatably the first to reach the summit of The Everest. It is a very fiction based on a true story, on which many historians are still researching if actually G.L.Mallory reached the summit of Everest. It is a debatable topic as because he along with his climbing partner Andrew Irvine was last seen a couple of hundred feets off the summit of Everest by one of his team members named Noel Odell, and also the weather on that day was very pleasant and they possibly could have reached the summit but to their misfortune during their descent they might have succumbed to sort of a mishap which turned out to be fatal.This happened on 8th of June 1924 and the bodies of Mallory and Irvine were found out only on 1999 when,a Mallory and Irvine Research Expedition sponsered by Nova and BBC found out their bodies only to be preserved by the extreme cold conditions.
This was Mallory's second attemp to Everest when he failed on the first account in 1920 when his climbing partner was Finch.The book not only tells about the climbing life of Mallory but also tells how patriotic he was when he joined the English army during the First World War even though as a teacher he was exempted from joining the army.
The book also tells us about the various expeditions apart from Everest to which he succumbed. Mallory had two women in his life and one of them took his life..... Read the beautiful novel to find out the details even more vividly

Monday, April 27, 2009


Hye all, just the other I purchased this all new book named “OF COURSE I LOVE YOU….TILL I FIND SOMEONE BETTER” written by Durjoy Dutta and Manvi Ahuja. Let me brief you about these two young writers first- Durjoy a Mechanical Engg. From DCE is a 2008 pass out and Manvi a Commerce Graduate from SRCC is also a 2008 pass out. They have admitted that it is their first ever book and from a reader’s perspective it’s a really good one, more so if you are in your college or have passed out very recently.
The book tells about their lives, our lives and the lives of all present era college geeks. The language is very lucid and the book is pretty engrossing. The book revolves round the characters Debashish Roy nicknamed as Deb, Vernita, ,Smriti,Shrey, Tanmay, Shawar, Paritosh, Avantika, Amit, Astha, Neeti, Yoginder,, Sri Guru. Deb,Vernita,Shrey,Yoginder,are all DEC Mechanical Engineering students with Vernita as the only female in the class and that a pretty hot one. Tanmay(Avantika’s brother) is engaged with Vernita, Avantika(SRCC commerce) had two relationships one each with Shawar and Paritosh, but their lives got screwed, Deb is like the God of all playboys and has had many relationships(physical as well as romantic ones), Shrey also obsessed with hot girls is also a mechanical geek always trying out new stuffs and adds his theories of the so called “NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORIES” to whatever conversation he is in with his friends which gets them pissed off, Amit,Astha and Neeti comes pretty late in the story and SRI GURU plays a vital role in the book through the life of Avantika.
The story starts of Deb having all sorts relationships with Smriti and finally dumps her for Avantika who has just come back from rehabilitation as she was suffering from depression, overdosage drugs and alcohol but she was a BOMBSHELL. Avantika dumped Shawar who finally got into jail because of running over people (drunk driving) and had his leg amputated. Deb was having a fantastic life with Avantika; one more thing is to be mentioned Deb though not a mirror cracking material and was overweight but he had attitude which can make girls go nuts and was an awesome kisser, that is why such a beautiful and sexy girl like Avantika fell for her. He forgot everybody, Shrey was in France for his interns, Vernita despised him as Deb was already in relationship Smriti when he came close to Avantika, who was Tanmay’s sister.Everything was good for Deb except that he screwed his future by not only scoring less in his semesters but also because of the arrogance he showed in his first ever interview that he got barred from future on-campus recruitments. On the other hand Avantika had high dreams of making it big in life and she was also a good student and being coupled with even better look she easily got the job she wanted. Deb finally got a job in BHEL through he father who was an official there. Everything was going well but the Sri Guru, Avantika’s mentor entered the scenario and screwed everything. Taking Sri Guru’s suggestion Avantika left Deb for his good as in her past relationships her fiancĂ©es suffered a lot because of her. So she left her for Bangalore for her new job and did not respond to calls, messages from Deb.
Now Deb was feeling guilty that because he dumped many girls in his past that fate has left him all alone- his parents left (his father got transferred), Shrey one of his closest friends left for Germany with some of his IIT friends, Smriti cursed him, Avantika was not reachable and all his friends were settled elsewhere. Deb was totally demoralized and decided to join Sri Guru and BHEL. There(in BHEL) he found solace to some extent in the form of Amit, his mentor who would do all his work in return for the advices Deb gave to him of how to propose to Astha (another collegue at BHEL), and Neeti had a crush on Deb. Deb did well to bring together Amit and Astha. Finally out of nowhere came Avantika back to Deb’s life and that is how the story ends also with a jolt .
It is a touching story of college students – it’s a must read for sure. And yes the book has its dose of sex, kisses, girls, and a lot of erotic descriptions, wild moments, emotion, romance, friendship and above all a portrait of our lives during our college days.Go ahead and read it